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Shit that pisses Boo Kitty off.

Boo Kitty is sick and tired of nobody listening to what Boo says even when they know it's true!

First of all, to all of you retards who talk in movies: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I came to see the movie, NOT to hear your comments! What ever happened to when people knew how to act in public?!?!?NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK OF IT! THATS WHY PEOPLE WRITE MOVIE REVIEWS, SO IF WE CARE, WE'LL READ IT!!!
Next up, people who download (steal) music/movies/games off the computer. You little fuckers think you have the right to steal because you bought the damn blank C.D. WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WRONG AND YOU WILL BURN IN HELL! I've heard all your arguments befor AND I CAN BEAT THEM! "We bought the blank C.D.!" "I don't have the money!" "I didn't do it, my friend did!"  "Rock stars have enough money anyway!" Ya know what?? You may have bought the blank, but your money didn't go to the person who made what you downloaded!, Just because you didn't have the money does NOT give you the right to steal! (and if you have no money how did you get your fancy computer??) And if you got if from someone else YOU JUST ACCEPTED STOLEN GOODS DUMBASS!, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST JUST BECAUSE  SOME FAMOUS PEOPLE HAVE LOTS OF MONEY, IT'S ONLY THE ONES WHO HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR A LONG TIME! NEW PEOPLE HAVE NO MONEY AND I THINK THEY DESERVE TO BE PAID BECAUSE AS MUCH FUN AS THEIR JOB CAN BE, IT CAN BE REALLY HARD!
Next, we have the people that lable me "Goth" or my favorite "freak". YOU PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A GOTH IS! I'm not saying its a bad thing, I have Goth friends and respect them more than anyone, BUT I'M NOT! I may wear some Goth clothes and alot of black, BUT THATS BECAUSE I'M PISSED OFF AND I'M PISSED OFF AT ALL OF YOU!I NEVER labled myself! I don't think I'm in any of your stupid little groups! AM A REALLY PISSED OFF PERSON WHO HATES MOST HUMANS, BUT ALL OF YOU MADE ME THAT WAY BY NOT TAKING THE TIME TO GET TO KNOW ME! If you think I'm Goth or Punk or whatever, thats good for you, but I don't give a shit! Keep it to yourself, I'm tired of fighting about it, I HATE LABLES AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY YOU PEOPLE CARE SO DAMN MUCH!

There's gonna be alot of up-dates, trust me, most likely daily.